
1. Start with 10 Cards in your Hand
You and your opponent take turns discarding and picking-up to create "Sets" of three or more cards within your 10-card hand.

2. How To Make A Set of Cards
As a bare minimum, a single set of cards must be three of a kind (Example: Ace of Spades, Ace of Hearts, Ace of Diamonds) or three cards of the same suit in a run (Example: Ace of Spades, two of spades, three of spades).

3. When Does The Hand End?
Create the sets as quickly as possible to "Knock" before your opponent does. 'Knocking' is done on your turn by picking up a card as usual, but then discarding to the knock pile, instead of the open pile. Each card has a point-value (Aces are 1 point, Kings are 10 points). Before the game lets you knock, all the cards left in your hand which are NOT in sets (called "Deadwood" cards) need to add-up to 10 points or less (though note the exception of Oklahoma Gin below). Once someone has knocked, both players show their hand face-up and the game adds up the points from your Deadwood cards.

4. How To Win the Game
Each room in the multiplayer lobby has a target score required to win the game. At the end of each hand, the winner's points are added to their total score. If they have reached the target score for the room then they win the game. Otherwise the next hand will start immediately.

5. Hints on How to Play
Speed is important; create the sets of cards as quickly as possible to beat your opponent to the knock. Judgment is also important, should you knock with your Deadwood cards or try to get rid of even more? To knock or not to knock? That is the question!

6. Oklahoma Gin
Note that in the Oklahoma version of Gin, the minimum deadwood points required to knock is variable each new game, according to the first face card showing that hand. For example, a 7 showing would mean that all cards not in sets would need to leave deadwood totalling 7 points max before you can knock. An ace as the first card up would require both players to make gin to knock, i.e. zero deadwood points with all cards in melds.