Learn to play Backgammon in 90 seconds!

2 opposing players start with pieces spread across the board. You must move all your pieces in an anti-clockwise direction until they are all in the ‘home board’, i.e. the last quarter of the playing board. Once there, with each new roll you can take the pieces off. The first to take all their pieces off wins the game.

But on the trip round, if you leave a single piece on its own, it can be hit by your opponent (with the right die roll). If ‘hit’ then it goes to the bar and can come onto the first quadrant with your next roll on any space which is free. Try to hit and block your opponents pieces as much as possible. When you throw the dice and hover over a piece it will highlight in yellow where you can move it to. You have a number of choices for each die roll to move one or two pieces. If you roll a double you get four times the value of the dice in terms of moves.

Now that’s the basics but there’s clearly more to it than that and our pro players who’ve been playing a while, earn real money at this game. Play a few free games against BeginnerBot to learn quicker.